We have a small faithful base of monthly donors, and we would love for you to join this group by donating $50 a month to help cover some of these costs. Due to the need to keep our women safe and their information confidential, we cannot actually match you as a donor with an individual Mum or provide a profile to put on your fridge next to your Compassion Child. But know that your regular donation will have a significant impact on ensuring First Steps can continue to provide personal care for each of the women who come through our door.

Some of the ways this sponsorship will help us to support our women include:
- Keeping our Community Clinic running – this offers a safe and welcoming space for pregnant and newly parenting Mums to come for support. This includes appointments, playgroup, classes and access to our Baby Boutique, meals, baby items and as well as medical, nursing and social work appointments.
- Provision of nappies and other essentials
- Pregnancy vitamins, supplements and other essential medication
- Flowers delivered to bless each of our Mums while they are in hospital
- Vouchers to spend at our Baby Boutique (women love the experience of shopping rather than just a handout!)
- Vouchers when needed for maternity clothes, formula and nappies where we can’t provide these otherwise

In 2024 we have close to 40 women who we have provided care for. We anticipate this number will get close to doubling in 2025 based on the increasing demand we are seeing as this year comes to an end.
We are so thankful to those of you who are already our regular supporters and look forward to significantly increasing these numbers through this sponsorship initiative. For all our current and new regular donors, we will be starting a monthly update in 2025 with encouraging stories about the women we are able to support and the difference we are making in their lives as a result of the community’s generosity.
Please consider sponsoring a local Mum in need and helping to ensure the work of First Steps Pregnancy Support can continue well into the future!
You can read more about the work we do here.

Sponsor a Mum now:
If you would like to set up a direct debit through your financial institution, please email us at contact@fsps.org.au for bank details.
All donations >$2 are tax deductible.